Natural Healthy Eating Plan

A healthy natural weight loss eating plan can be very tasty. Healthy Eating Guidelines does not promote diets. They simply don't work. People's different tastes, product availability, economics and forcing someone's eating into a mold does not lend itself to longevity. Instead, we prefer to enlighten to the world of healthy eating choices that are available and give you the basic philosophy. Then, wherever you are, you can eat healthy, not needing a special brand or type of food. As always, consult your family doctor prior to undertaking a change to your eating plan.
Where we end up is largely due to our daily habits. Learning to love healthy daily habits will change your life for the better. Changing our habits to eat more natural is the key and greatly helps in weight loss and maintaining our good health. Several small meals thru out the day is great, there is no need to be hungry. If you have food around you, in your home, that is not good for your healthy eating plan, get rid of it. If the availability of the temptation is there, sooner or later you will eat it. Keep healthy food and snacks on hand that are in the eating plan, making it simple to keep to your healthy program. Basically stated, if a food comes in God's natural package, then it is a good thing. If foods come in man made packaging, it is better avoided. Eating amounts in moderation is also key.
Concerning the day's main meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner; try to include the fruit and vegetable group in each meal, lean protein, and some fiber. Snacks as your hunger requires between meals are fresh fruits and vegetables. There are many choices available, and this natural healthy eating plan is modest in calories. This plan coupled with the exercise program from this site will result in definite weight loss.
This is an example of a healthy weight conscious eating plan. Keep in mind that there are many alternative choices based on your taste. It is OK to treat yourself to a nice meal (in moderation) every once in a while (once a week or so).
Greek Yogurt with Hemp Hearts and Chia Seeds
Old Fashioned Oatmeal with fruit (dried cranberries, raisins, banana, apple, peach etc.) and Hemp Hearts and Chia Seeds with a touch of raw honey or agave nectar, or shredded wheat bran cereal with fruit
Egg (preferably egg white) on Health toast w/ fruit on the side
Tuna fish or salmon salad on whole wheat toast
Whole wheat pasta w/ sausage flavored tomato sauce
Steamed shrimp and vegetables
Lean protein (fish, shrimp, chicken, or beef)
Steamed veggies
Portion of long grain or brown rice or quinoa (superfood)
As your hunger requires of
Fresh fruit and veggies,
give a variety a try, you will love them.
Plentiful amounts of pure water,
for example (6-8) .5L of bottled water
Alcohol in moderation.
Cutting sodas and other calorie dense, harmful,
unnecessary beverages out of our eating plan is one
of the easiest ways to lower our calorie intake and improve our health.
With a healthy eating plan, most supplements are unnecessary, two we think still have amazing benefits are:
Chia seeds (the pinnacle superfood), 1 to 2 tablespoons in a glass of water 3 times a day, or in food is a great source of fiber and protein, and promotes weight loss.
Also Hemp Hearts, 2 Tablespoons 2 to 3 times a day. Delicious nutty flavor. Packed with protein, Omega 3 and minerals. Add to smoothies, yogurt, salads, etc. Sprinkle on your healthy toast with raw honey. Very filling and sustaining. Helps many lose weight as they don't feel hungry, and gives you lots of energy.
How you prepare your meals is also important. Try to stay away from frying foods and cooking with too much butter or trans fat oils. Instead try grilling and steaming your foods. The George Foreman type grill is great for being fast, efficient, and draining the fat away from your food. When skillet cooking, heat up the skillet first, then add a minimal amount of butter or healthy oil. Also the new microwave steaming trays make for fast, tasty, easy steaming.

Recommended Foods......Foods in Moderation......Foods to Avoid
Oatmeal (steel cut oats)....Whole Milk................Salad Dressings
Shreaded Wheat Bran........Real Mayo................Jams, Jellies
Egg Whites.......................Butter....................Candy
Healthy Bread.................................................Ice Cream(moderation)
Whole Wheat(grain) Pasta................................White Sugar
Chicken........................................................Corn syrup/sweetner
Lean Beef......................................................Donuts
Chia Seeds....................................................Fast Foods
Quinoa..........................................................Fried Foods
Fresh Fruits & Veggies......................................Sodas
Greek Yogurt
Beans, Nuts
Hemp Hearts (Amazing Superfood)
This is a common sense eating plan high in fiber and high in protein. If a food is full of calories,
yet has little nutritional value, avoid it. Give healthy foods a chance and learn to love them. If a food is high in nutritional value and has modest calories, feel free to indulge. In a short time, you will see and
feel the difference. This eating plan promotes healthy weight loss. Daily calorie intake for an average man is around 2000-2200 calories, for a woman around 1800-2000 calories.
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